REDCapR 2022-08-10

New Features

Minor Enhancements

Test Suite

REDCapR 2021-07-21

The package has been stable for years and should be reflected in the major version number.

Minor Enhancements

Stability Features

Corrections & Bug Fixes

REDCapR 2020-04-20

Breaking Changes (possible, but unlikely)

New Features

Stability Features

Minor Enhancements


REDCapR 2019-09-22

Minor New Features

Modified Internals

Deprecated Features

REDCapR 2017-09-09

New Features

Minor Updates

REDCapR 2017-05-18

New Features

Bug Fixes

REDCapR 2015-08-25

Minor Updates

REDCapR 2015-08-14

New Features

Minor Updates

REDCapR 2014-12-17

New Features

REDCapR 2014-11-03

New Features

REDCapR 2014-10-19

New Features

Minor Updates

REDCapR 2014-09-20

New Features

Breaking Changes


REDCapR 2014-09-01

New Features


Bug Fixes

REDCapR 2014-07-02

New Features


REDCapR 2014-01-14

New Features


GitHub Commits and Releases

REDCapR 1.2.0

These features are not yet on CRAN. Install with remotes::install_github("OuhscBbmc/REDCapR")

Possibly Breaking Change

These changes could possibly break existing code --but it's very unlikely. We feel they will (directly and indirectly) improve the package considerably.

This will help extract forms from longitudinal & repeating projects.

New Features

Minor Enhancements